pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

pumpkin seeds, or pepitas (mexican name) are the hulled seeds found in pumpkins.
These flat, dark green seeds are very nutricious and in the past few years, much research has been done into their healthful effects. Pumpkin seeds make a tasty snack that is high in protein, along with some valuable minerals such as magnesium, manganese, copper and iron.  To toast pumpkin seeds, (which makes them even more delicious) gently heat in a cast iron fry pan without oil. Keep them moving so that they don’t burn, and remove from heat when they pop and become puffed out, rather than flat. These toasted seeds make a great addition to salads, and are good with avocado and lemon juice, or a splash of tamari may be added just before you take them from the heat.
If you are interested in reading more about  pumpkin seeds, take a look at this article .