

Kuzu is the root of a Japanese plant like Arrowroot, which grows wild in mountainous regions. Organic Kuzu is a high quality ingredient that is an ideal thickening agent for soups and stews, in both sweet and savoury dishes. In Japan, kuzu has long been held in high regard for its ability to help alkaline the body.  Kuzu is available in a powdery white form. To use, crush the chunks and thoroughly dissolve in a small amount of cold water. Mix this into your cooking liquid and heat, stirring continuously until it turns thick and translucent. A half to one tablespoon of kuzu will thicken one cup of liquid.

As an unrefined, traditional food, Kuzu has been valued for centuries as a starch that is soothing and easy to digest.  Kuzu can be used instead of cornflour in most recipes.